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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: 224kg of hashish hidden in truck seized

Saudi police had seized a haul of 224kg of hashish hidden in a truck loaded with cattle fodder and barley, the Saudi news agency SPA has reported.

The illicit quantity was uncovered at a security checkpoint in the Governorate of Al Daer in Saudi Arabia’s south-western region of Jizan, according to the report.

The male driver of the truck and two women escorts – all Saudi nationals – were arrested in connection with the haul, said Col. Ahmed Al Towayan, the director of relations and media at the Interior Ministry’s Agency for Security Affairs.

The smuggling bid is the latest foiled in Saudi Arabia in recent weeks.

Last week the kingdom’s customs authorities reported thwarting an attempt to smuggle in to the country 570,520 pills of Captagon drugs that were elaborately stashed into a cargo of sweet melons. The quantity was seized at the border crossing of Al Haditha with Jordan.

Drug smuggling is an offence punishable by death in Saudi Arabia.


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