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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: 2 Jeddah General Court Employees Arrested for Bribery

Anti-Corruption Authorities have arrested two employees in the General Court in Jeddah for receiving bribes from a citizen.

The Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority said Ayman Abdulrazaq Salwati, a 6th-grade employee at the court, received SR250,000 out of a promised SR500,000 as a bribe from a citizen in exchange for illegally bringing a case into the Court of Appeals and seeking to overturn an existing ruling in the case between the citizen and one of the investment companies in Jeddah. The ruling stated that he be fined SR7,317,000.

Meanwhile, Ali Mohammed Aldougi, a 9th-grade employee at the same court, received SR125,000, which was his share of the bribe for his role in the case.

The Authority published a video, which showed the two employees receiving the bribes.


Saudi Gazette

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