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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi: 135 smugglers arrested with huge cache of drugs

The Saudi Border Guards have foiled several attempts to smuggle huge quantities of drugs into the Kingdom. A total of 135 drug smugglers, including 36 citizens, and 99 illegal residents belonging to different nationalities, have been arrested from various border points across the Kingdom.

The land patrol teams of the Border Guards in the regions of Najran, Jazan, Asir, Tabuk and the Eastern Province have foiled attempts to smuggle 64.4 tons of narcotic khat.

The Border Guards thwarted attempts to smuggle in 1009 kilograms of hashish, 62,000 amphetamine tablets, and 425,620 tablets that required medical prescription for circulation.

Preliminary legal procedures against the smugglers were taken and the smugglers and the seized drugs were handed over to the competent authorities.


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