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Tech & Telecoms

Samsung Confirms Exciting Galaxy 24 Ultra Upgrade

The last month of Galaxy S24 leaks have offered us a clear view of Samsung’s next flagship. Now, the South Korean company has joined in, confirming an exciting new feature for the Galaxy that will debut next year.

The details come from Samsung System LSI CEO Park Yong-In. Speaking at Semiconductor Expo 2023, Yong-in confirmed that the Galaxy S24 handsets will support satellite connectivity for emergency services.

This is not a new feature for consumer smartphones. Apple introduced a similar service in last year’s iPhone 14 family, which has carried over to the iPhone 15 family. Other handsets have picked up on the feature, including Huawei’s P60 series, which offers two-way messaging through satellite communications.

Samsung’s implementation may follow a similar path to the competing handsets. Still, the Galaxy’s place in the Android ecosystem means the inclusion will legitimise the idea of satellite smartphone services and encourage other manufacturers to add the feature to their high-end handsets.

The South Korean company is expected to launch the Galaxy S24, Galaxy S2+, and Galaxy S24 Ultra early in 2024. The traditional launch window is mid-February ahead of Mobile World Congress, although there are suggestions that a launch in January is being considered.



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