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Roughly 3,000 Indians fly home from UAE daily

The UAE has been receiving a steady flow of passengers from India recently, showing signs that travel between the two countries is slowly returning to normal, according to an official at the diplomatic mission, as well as travel agents.

Neeraj Agarwal, consul for Press, information and culture at the Consulate-General of India in Dubai, said UAE residents in India are now receiving return approvals easily. Other passengers like visit visa holders are also flying in with no issues.

Since a special air bubble was formed between India and the UAE, 70,000 to 80,000 Indian residents have already returned to the country, he said. “The exact figures will be available with immigration authorities in both countries.”

While 8,000 to 9,000 seats are available daily on both Indian and UAE carriers, “roughly, 3,000 passengers are travelling to India every day”. Recently, the Indian missions have announced that passengers who wish to fly home no longer have to register on their websites.


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