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Residents Outside Oman Asked to Renew Visas Online

Residents of Oman whose visas have expired, but are looking to return to the Sultanate, must first renew them online, and can come back once the airports reopen, a senior official from the Royal Oman Police (ROP) said.

This must be done by the sponsor of the resident, who must then send him the receipt that confirms that the visa has been renewed.

Major Mohammed bin Rashid Al Habsi, the Assistant Director of the Directorate General of Passports and Residence, speaking to national radio in Oman, said, “Among the facilities provided by the Royal Oman Police during the COVID-19 pandemic is the renewal of visas online, as this is an exceptional period that has caused difficulties for the business sector.

“The ROP has sought to provide these facilities, including the automatic extension of all visit visas to the country, since the services to get this done physically had been stopped from 19 March, until the centres opened once again on 1 July,” he added.

“The condition of people being in the Sultanate to renew their visas has also been done away with. The requirement for residents to spend less than 180 days outside the country has also been exempted,” added Al Habsi.

“Sponsors of employers who wish to renew their visas must approach the Directorate General accordingly. “

“These facilities have also been provided to prevent crowding and gathering of people at ROP service offices to limit the spread of COVID-19.”


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