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Qatar to resume school classes in three phases

Qatar’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education announced yesterday that all public and private schools in Qatar will start the 2020/2021 academic year in three stages starting from September 1, Qatar News Agency reported (QNA).

First stage: It will be for three days from September 1 to 3. On these days, the attendance will not exceed one-third of the students’ total strength in the school.

Second stage: It will last two weeks, from September 6 to 17 for integrated education, where the attendance and occupancy rate in all public and private schools and kindergartens will not exceed 50 per cent of the number of students.

The students’ attendance will alternate during the two weeks in two groups. Half of the students (50 per cent) will attend classes in the first week in school. They will receive their education remotely in the following week.

The other half of students will attend in the second week of the start of the academic year after they receive their education remotely in the first week.

Third stage: Begins on September 20 for all students in public and private schools and kindergartens; 100 per cent of students in schools and kindergartens start attending classes in schools.

The resumption of classes in phases will be done while continuing to take precautionary measures in accordance with the requirements of the health and safety department in the education ministry, in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health.


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