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Qatar reports 254 new coronavirus cases, 269 recoveries

Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) today recorded 254 new cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) and 269 people recovered from the virus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of people recovered in Qatar to 127,868. 

Out of the 254 new cases, 218 are community cases and 36 from travelers returning from abroad.

The total number of positive COVID-19 cases recorded in Qatar is 130,965 and there are 2,868 active cases under treatment. 

Ministry conducted 9,032 tests in the last 24 hours taking the total tests done so far to 927,580 tests.

There are 22 cases of hospital admissions in the last 24 hours taking the total patients in the hospital 369.

Four patients were admitted to intensive care due to health complications resulting from infection with the virus, bringing the total number of cases receiving medical care in intensive care currently to 34. So far, 229 people died from the coronavirus in Qatar.


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