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Qatar Reports 1,153 New COVID-19 Cases

Ministry of Public Health today announces the registration of 1153 new confirmed cases of coronavirus, with 190 people having recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours.

The Ministry states that the new cases are due to expatriate workers who were infected with the virus as a result of contact with individuals who were previously infected, in addition to recording new cases of infection among groups of workers in different regions.

The new cases have been identified after conducting investigations by the research and investigation teams of the Ministry of Public Health.

Cases of infection have also increased among citizens and residents as a result of contact with infected family members who had been infected in the workplace or through visits and family gatherings.

In this context, the Ministry affirmed that the high number of infections among citizens and residents is due to the lack of compliance by some with precautionary measures, the most important of which is physical distancing and reducing the need to leave home except in exceptional circumstances.

The Ministry also stresses the importance for the elderly or those suffering from chronic diseases and their family members to follow strict measures to reduce the chances of infection with the virus and to refrain from social visits during the rest of Ramadan as well as on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.


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