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Qatar: Repatriation Flight to India Rescheduled

The flight scheduled to repatriate Indian citizens from Qatar to India on Thursday, May 7th has been postponed.

The flight from Doha to Kochi will now depart on Saturday, May 9th instead. This was confirmed by an Indian Embassy official. Reason for the postponement is not clear, media reports pointed to some technical issues.

Ticket to Kochi is priced at Rs 16,000 (QR 766).

As of the current schedule, more passengers will be flown to Trivandrum from Doha on May 10.

The passenger lists for both the flights are finalized by the Indian Embassy in Qatar on the basis of registrations made on the Embassy website for this purpose.

Priority is given to pregnant women, urgent medical cases, workers in distress, senior citizens as well as to other people who are stranded in difficult situations.


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