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Qatar records 1034 new coronavirus cases, 1 death

Ministry of Public Health today announces the registration of 1034 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), with 1637 recoveries from the virus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cures in the State of Qatar to 69956 cases. One death was also recorded.

Ministry of Public Health states that, in the last 24 hours, there were 11 new cases admitted to intensive care due to health complications resulting from infection with the virus, bringing the total number of critical cases that are currently in critical care to 219 cases.

The Ministry explains that the new cases had the virus transmitted to them from people who had been previously infected, as the Ministry of Public Health continues to conduct investigative and proactive testing, which contributes to early detection of cases.

The new confirmed cases of infection have been introduced to complete isolation in the various medical facilities in the country, where they receive the necessary healthcare according to the health status of each case.

The Ministry explains that the patient who died was aged 60 and had been receiving appropriate medical care. The Ministry of Public Health extends its sincere condolences and great sympathy to the family of the deceased.​


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