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GCC CountriesMoney & BusinessHealth

Qatar: In-Person Money Exchanges Shutting Today

Qatar will temporarily close all in-person money exchange and transfer services offices starting from March 26, to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the Government Communications Office announced on Wednesday.

“Throughout the period of closure, money can be transferred through online exchange services, mobile applications and Ooredoo Money. All services allow users to transfer money abroad instantly either online or through their phone,” the GCO said.

The government decided last week to shut down all shops and bank branches in shopping malls, except for food stores and pharmacies, in addition to closing down part of the Industrial Area for 14 days as part of measures against the spread of the coronavirus.

Salons, barbershops, spas at hotels and retail shops are also part of the two-week closure.

The government also closed mosques and suspended communal religious prayers, including Friday prayers.

It also banned serving food in restaurants and cafes, allowing only delivery services and takeaway, and halted all forms of public transport.


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