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Qatar cracks down on illegal street vendors

The Qatari Municipal Control Department at Al Sheehaniya Municipality has launched an inspection campaign targeting unlicensed street vendors in the workers’ accommodation area, Muaither Umm Al Zubara.

The campaign was carried out in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior (Al-Fazaa and the Criminal Investigation Department) along with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the General Cleanliness Department at the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME).

Accordingly, all necessary legal measures were taken against the violators and the waste left behind by the vendors was removed from the area, the MME said in a statement.

Earlier last August, the Ministry of Municipality and Environment led a crackdown on illegal street vending in Qatar where several items were confiscated in Umm Al Zubar area.

Several illegal street sellers were arrested in the campaign that sought to deter unauthorised street hawking.


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