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Qatar Airways A350 From Los Angeles to Doha Declares Emergency

Qatar Airways flight QR11, a transatlantic flight operated by an Airbus A350 from Los Angeles (LAX) to Doha (DOH), has declared a general emergency, squawking 7700.

The flight declared an emergency as it approached the United Kingdom, cruising at 38,000 feet altitude.

Flight QR11 declared the general emergency from the cruise at FL380 as it approached the northwest coast of the United Kingdom, en route to Doha. The aircraft is currently on descent passing through 16,000 feet over Scottish airspace.

It is clear the flight is now planning to divert with the aircraft currently maintaining a descent profile, passing through 10,000 feet approaching Glasgow.

Flight data shows that the flight was slightly delayed departing Los Angeles earlier today, with an actual time of departure (ATD) showing as 17:02 PDT, against a scheduled departure time of 16:35 PDT. Flight time for the long haul transatlantic flight is given as 15 hours 10 minutes.

Having continued a descent in the Glasgow region, the flight now appears to be making good a diversion to Edinburgh. Flight now setting up for an approach, passing 4,000 feet as it approaches Edinburgh from the southwest.

And from here, a straight-in approach to RWY12. The nature of the emergency is not clear at this stage. The aircraft in question is Airbus A350, registration A7-AND; a 5-year-old aircraft belonging to the carrier Qatar Airways.


Aviation Source News

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