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GCC Countries

‘Pink Moon’ to Light Up Night Sky This Weekend

Dubbed ‘Strawberry Moon’, June’s full moon will be a spectacle in the night skies as it will come with a partial lunar eclipse on June 5.

According to Daily Mail, Australians will be treated to a spectacular ‘Strawberry Moon’ lunar eclipse in the early hours of Saturday.

While, the celestial phenomena will be visible from the Arabian Peninsula, including UAE, Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries. According to Al Arabiya website, the head of Jeddah Astronomy Society Majed Abu Zahra said that the eclipse will occur at the same time in all regions, when the moon starts entering the area of the earth’s shadow at 9.45pm UAE time (5:45pm GMT), reported KT.

The phenomenon, also known as a penumbral eclipse, occurs when the earth, sun and moon are all aligned. Due to this the earth blocks the sun’s light from reaching the moon, casting a shadow over it.


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