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Philippines: Volcano spews out ash and steam

A small volcano in a scenic lake near the Philippine capital blew a white plume of steam and ash 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) into the sky in a brief but powerful explosion Saturday, prompting authorities to raise the alert level and evacuate hundreds of residents from high-risk villages.

Magma came into contact with water in the main crater of Taal volcano in Batangas province, setting off the steam-driven blast that was followed by smaller emissions and accompanied by volcanic earthquakes.

Residents of five lakeside villages within a 7-kilometer (4-mile) danger zone from the crater in the Batangas towns of Agoncillo and Laurel were warned of possible hazards, including fast-moving gas and molten materials and “volcanic tsunami” in Taal lake, and began evacuating to safety. More than 1,200 villagers had moved into emergency shelters by noon.

It was a powerful burst but now the volcano has calmed down.


Bahrain News Agency

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