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Philippines: Highest Death and Lowest Recovery Rate in ASEAN

The Philippines’ Department of Health reported 214 new cases, 101 new recoveries, and 11 new deaths. Currently, the country has 12,305 confirmed cases, 2,561 recoveries and 817 deaths.

Case fatality rate is up at 6.64 percent (vs 6.65 percent global average vs. 2.34 percent ASEAN average) and recovery rate is slightly up at 20.82 percent (vs. 38.1 percent world average vs. 37 percent ASEAN average) for the day.

The Philippines has the highest case fatality rate now in in the ASEAN region.

In terms of recovery rate, while the country has improved a bit, it is still below the world average.

The country also has the poorest recovery rate in the ASEAN region.


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