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Park Celebrates First-Ever Tiger Cubs Born in Oman

Amid the ongoing coronavirus scare, a park in Barka is celebrating the birth of two tiger cubs, the first to be born in Oman.

The adorable duo were born on 17 June to first-time father Pablo, aged eight, and mother Luna, who is 10.

But it will take some time for visitors to see them as the park is currently closed.

“Both cubs are doing fine and very playful and energetic, just like their parents,” Ahmed bin Abdul Rahim Al Balushi, owner of Al Nu’man Park, located in the Wilayat of Barka, said while playing with the animals.

“Both the parents were brought to Oman from Italy,” he added. “After they were born, I forgot about everything else and focused my attention on them. I couldn’t sleep at night, either, because I had to wake up every four hours to feed them by giving them milk, and clean them.”

The two cubs haven’t been named yet, but the zoo is currently taking suggestions on potential names. “I am yet to give them names but both the cubs are females,” he said.


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