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Parents Warned Over Potentially Fatal Mistake When Putting Children To Bed

Parents are being warned not to make this mistake when putting their children to bed as it could potentially be fatal. If your child is wearing a hoodie, bonnet or beanie when you put them down for a nap then it could have deadly side effects, according to the team at CPR Kids.

They added: ‘Keeping your baby’s head and face uncovered during sleep reduces the risk of sudden and unexpected death, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).’ SIDS is also referred to as ‘cot death’ and is when a healthy baby dies for an unexplained reason.

SIDS is also referred to as ‘cot death’ and is when a healthy baby dies for an unexplained reason

But thankfully the condition is rare and only affects around 200 babies in the UK each year, the NHS said. The greatest risk is the first six months of a baby’s life and usually when they are sleeping.

In order to reduce the risk of SIDS you should avoid smoking while pregnant and also you should not smoke or allow people to smoke near the child. Also, parents should always place kids on their backs when they go to sleep.

The Lullaby Trust says that if parents co-sleep, they should keep pillows and adult bedding away from the baby plus any items that could cover their head or cause them to overheat. The NHS advises that children’s feet should touch the end of their cot, basket or pram with their heads uncovered and their blanket tucked in no higher than their shoulders.

Parents are also advised to have their newborns sleep in the same room as them for the first six months to reduce the risk of SIDS. However, they should not sleep with their baby on a sofa or armchair and ensure the child does not get too hot or cold.


Daily Mail
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