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Palm Beach WTC to host webinar on business development with Bahrain

An international trade and business network with a Palm Beach affiliate is aiming to promote cross-border business development with the Kingdom of Bahrain during a webinar February 16th at 9:00 A.M. EST.

The Zoom event will feature Palm Beach County Mayor Robert Weinroth and Bahrain’s Ambassador to the United States HE Sh. Abdulla R. Al Khalifa. Panel topics will include cross-cultural opportunities in tourism, higher education, immigration, tax law, and free trade.

Participating will be business, investment, finance, and educational leaders for each community. Also represented will be tourism and cultural interests to facilitate a new, unique relationship between Bahrain and Florida as the portal for business and tourism interests entering Bahrain from the U.S. and from the U.S. to Bahrain.

Bahrain is an open, tolerant, cosmopolitan country, recognized as one of the most liberal business environments in the world. Bahrain’s economy is the most diversified in the region, with strengths in the financial and technology sectors. As the Gateway to the Gulf, its strategic location provides a perfect hub and easy access to Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the broader Middle East and North Africa regions.

Palm Beach is also an open and tolerant community with many of the same liberal business values found in Bahrain. Palm Beach‘s economy is the most productive in the region. Finance and technology are leading sectors followed by health sciences, aerospace, and agriculture.

Why these two locations?

Both communities are robust tourist destinations, Trade Representative for Bahrain Rose Sager said. Both are in low-tax environments, with no state income tax in Florida and just a value-added tax (VAT) in Bahrain. Both are portals to larger geo-economic spheres with Bahrain being the gateway to the Gulf Consortium and Palm Beach literally at the center of the Western Hemisphere.

In particular, the two locations are growing in clout as financial centers.

Bahrain’s financial technology industry is a leading economic generator for the region and Palm Beach’s finance cluster is now known as the ‘Wall Street of the South’, Sager said.

This is about making connections, building relationships, and bringing international business to our local communities. This will be a helpful chance to broaden horizons for all of us, Sager concluded.

World Trade Center Palm Beach is one of 325 World Trade Centers in 90+ countries, making the World Trade Centers Association the largest private trade and business network in the world.

For more information, visit their website.


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