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Pakistan’s Imran Khan Faces 3-Year Jail Sentence, Found Guilty in Toshakhana Case

The Pakistan high court directed the lower court to review a corruption lawsuit involving the former prime minister

A significant update from Pakistan reveals that Imran Khan, the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, has been found guilty by a district and sessions court in the Toshakhana case.

This development follows a recent decision by a higher court in Pakistan to overturn a previous ruling by a lower court.

The high court directed the lower court to review a corruption lawsuit involving the former prime minister.

The allegations against Imran Khan pertain to his alleged involvement in the sale of valuable state presents during his tenure as prime minister.

Legal experts suggest that a conviction in the case could put an end to Khan’s prospects of taking part in upcoming national elections scheduled before early November.

The verdict pertains to an investigation carried out by the election commission, which has found Khan responsible for the unauthorised sale of state presents during his time as prime minister from 2018 to 2022.

Khan has refuted any allegations of misconduct.

The former cricket star, who transitioned into politics, is alleged to have misappropriated his position as prime minister to engage in the buying and selling of gifts owned by the state.

These gifts were acquired during official overseas visits and amounted to over 140 million Pakistani rupees ($635,000).


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