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Pakistan: Students to be Promoted Without Exams

The Pakistan government on Thursday decided to promote students of grade 9 and 11 to the next class without examinations due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A decision to this effect was taken at an inter-provincial education ministers meeting, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood said while briefing the media.

He said these students would not take composite examinations in 2021, rather they would only appear in the examination of grade 10 or 12.

Moreover, all students of grades 10 and 12, who had cleared all the subjects in their 9th and 11th class exams, will be declared passed on the basis of their previous results.

These students will also be given three per cent additional marks to their total, as statistic revealed that students always get more scores in 10th and 12th grade when compared to 9th and 11th classes.

Mahmood said all educational institutions in the country had already been closed till July 15 in order to save students from coronavirus.

He said if the coronavirus situation improved, a special exam would be held between September and November, 2020, for those students who were not satisfied with the new policy.


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