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Pakistan: 33 million people affected by worst flooding in a decade

At least 33 million people have been affected by deadly flooding in Pakistan, the country’s climate change minister Sherry Rehman said on Thursday, reported CNN.

Since mid-June, 937 people have died from severe rain and flooding across the South Asian country, according to the country’s National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

“Pakistan is going through its eighth cycle of monsoon while normally the country has only three to four cycles of rain,” Rehman said. “The percentages of super flood torrents are shocking.”

The NDMA, Pakistani Army, and the Provincial Disaster Management Authority are working to assist those affected – but there is a “dire” need for shelter and relief due to the rising number of homeless and displaced families, she said.

The southern province of Sindh, which has been badly hit by the flooding, has asked for one million tents, while nearby Balochistan province has requested 100,000 tents, she added.

“Pakistan’s priority, at the moment, is this climate-induced humanitarian disaster of epic proportions,” Rehman said, urging the international community to provide aid given Pakistan’s “limited” resources.


Khaleej Times

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