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Over 22211passengers have used Kuwait airport in 5 days

A total of 65,759 passengers have used the Kuwait airport since Sunday when a government decision took effect allowing the full operation of the facility as part of steps relaxing restrictions prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The passengers boarded 521 flights including 260 arrival flights and 261 departure ones. The tally included 28,228 air travellers arriving in Kuwait.

Airlines operating in the country have been addressed to increase their flights according to the air travel needs, according to the source.

After a seven-month ban, as of August 1, Kuwait has allowed the entry of expatriates as long as they have received two doses of an approved vaccine. They are the Pfizer-BioNTech, Oxford, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Passengers who have taken two doses of Sinopharm, Sinovac and Sputnik vaccines can only enter the country if they take a third dose of one of the vaccines recognised by Kuwait.


Gulf News

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