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Saudi Arabia

Over 300,000 register for COVID-19 vaccine in Saudi Arabia

Over 300,000 people have registered for receiving the vaccine against COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia since registration opened in the kingdom on Tuesday, a health official said.

The kingdom started vaccinations Thursday against the diseases after receiving two batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19.

The Saudi Health Ministry announced the start of registration for the COVID-19 vaccine for all citizens and expatriates in the kingdom through the smart app “Sehhaty” by visiting http://onelink.to/yjc3nj.

“There is big interest in registering for taking the vaccine as the number of those who have registered via Sehaty has surpassed 300,000 in three days,” Undersecretary of the Saudi Health Ministry for Public Health Dr Hani Jokhdar said.

The vaccination campaign will be launched in all regions of the kingdom next month, he told Saudi television Al Ekhbariya.


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