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Over 3000 babies infected with COVID-19 in Oman

Over 3,000 babies under the age of four have been infected from COVID-19 in the Sultanate. 

According to the Ministry of Health application ‘Tarassud+’, a total of 3140 children between the ages of 0 to 4 years have recovered from the virus where 23 babies are still being treated.

As of Monday, 28th September, 909 deaths have been recorded in Sultanate due to COVID-19. Out of which, no deaths were recorded of children under 14 years old who were infected with COVID-19.

A total of 365 deaths were recorded of people between the ages of 15 to 59 years and 559 deaths were recorded among people who were 60 years old and above.

The ministry’s data also showed that deaths and recoveries are among males more than females, for example, 684 deaths of males compared to 240 females which equal 26% of the total of COVID-19 deaths. 


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