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Over 29,000 Kuwaitis repatriated amid coronavirus crisis

Kuwait repatriated 29,168 of its citizens between April 19 and May 6 as part of a huge undertaking to bring home national that were stranded due to travel restrictions because of the coronavirus pandemic.

About 42,584 nationals listed in their names in a government database, where 35,848 expressed their initial desire to be repatriated. Of those who initially wanted to be flown home, about a fifth eventually relented and chose to stay in their host countries for personal or medical reasons.

Kuwait’s repatriation efforts saw flights being deployed to over 60 cities around the world.

Meanwhile, more than 1,900 food deliver permits were cancelled by the government for violations of health requirements.

“We will not hesitate to cancel the permit of those who are not committed to the implementation of the Ministry of Health guidelines,” an official said.


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