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Over 1 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses administered globally

Over one billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered worldwide, less than five months after the first mass inoculation programmes began, according to an AFP tally on Saturday.

At least 1,002,938,540 doses have been administered in 207 countries and territories, according to the tally.

About 58% have been given in three countries: the United States with 225.6 million doses, China with 216.1 million doses and India with 138.4 million.

However, in terms of the proportion of the population who have been vaccinated, Israel is in the lead, with nearly six out of every 10 Israelis fully inoculated. This is followed by the UAE, Britain, US, Chile, Bahrain and Uruguay.

Low-income countries account for just 0.2 percent of doses administered.


Khaleej Times

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