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Outdoor dining finally resumes in Bahrain

Outdoor dining at restaurants and cafes will be allowed commencing on September 3, it was announced in July.

Based on the recommendations of the National Medical Team Combatting Coronavirus (COVID-19), it was decided to reopen the following:

Starting September 3, 2020:
Outdoor dining in restaurants and cafes, training institutes

Starting September 24, 2020:
All internal and external services in restaurants and cafes

It was also decided to allow the gradual preparation for the reopening of tourist restaurants, or whose location is in hotels (4 and 5 stars) or that are authorized by the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority in accordance with immediate medical and preventive requirements, by making reservations for special events not exceeding 2.

The coordinating committee confirmed that the extent of adherence to all precautionary and preventive measures to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) will be taken into account, and according to the data and results, relevant decisions will be reviewed periodically to preserve the health and safety of all.


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