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GCC CountriesBahrainSport

Open Track set to light up Bahrain International Circuit this Friday!

The first Open Track Night of the season will be held on October 23 in Sakhir, Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) has announced.

Pre-booking is essential and fans are encouraged to book swiftly to avoid disappointment, as numbers are limited due to health protection measures, the BIC said.

Drivers and riders alike will have a chance to explore the limits of their car or motorbike within a safe and controlled environment at “The Home of Motorsport in the Middle East, the BIC added.

Friday’s activity will be taking place along BIC’s 2.55-kilometre Inner Track and registration will be open from 3pm.

The sessions will take place from 4pm to 11pm, with a break between 7pm and 8pm. The members’ session is scheduled for 11pm to 12midnight.

“To protect the health of all involved, strict new protocols will have to be followed by all those taking part. Only participating drivers will be allowed to enter the circuit and no additional drivers, passengers, or spectators will be permitted,” the BIC said.

“Driver etiquette is of ultimate importance, so there is no close or aggressive overtaking. Overtaking is by invitation between corners and driving is monitored, with poor or dangerous driving being dealt with swiftly by officials.”


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