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Online Services for School and University Graduates

School and university graduates are invited to finalize their graduation requirements through a bundle of eServices offered via the National Portal, bahrain.bh.

The eServices are designed to accommodate current circumstances, allow graduates to complete all procedures without having to physically visit service centers and offices. This is accessible through bahrain.bh/apps.

Students can also request the issuance of public intermediate and secondary school certificates from the Examination Directorate at the Ministry of Education.

Driving School Services

In preparation for university life, the majority of high school graduates aim to obtain driving licenses, so the National Portal also offers driving school services such as the ability to ‘Search for Driving Instructors’, attend ‘Theoretical Lectures’, ‘Book Driving Test Appointments’, ‘Manage Driving Test Appointments’, and request ‘Learner Driving License Renewals’.

The iGA, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Traffic, are in the process of launching an online service for issuing learner permits soon.

Secondary School Graduates

Secondary school graduates can also benefit from University of Bahrain (UoB) eServices that include an ‘eAdmission Service’ for enrollment, ‘Course Payment’ available to students once they have set their schedules for the semester, and ‘Bookstore’ service to view and buy course books.

University Graduates

For graduates wishing to enroll in international universities, iGA offers a list of recommended universities, including a ‘Program Recommendation Request’ service in case the desired program is not available on the list, and the ability to monitor the status of the request.

For private university graduates in Bahrain, iGA offers an ‘Endorsement of Local Qualifications’ eService, which enables them to monitor the status of their requests for official certification of their qualifications by higher education institutions in the Kingdom. University graduates from abroad can benefit from an ‘Accreditation of Abroad Qualifications’ service, which allows them to apply for a request for accreditation and validation of qualifications issued by higher education institutions outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, and enquire about the request status online.

Human resources departments at governmental entities & establishments can verify the authenticity of job applicants’ qualifications by ‘Verification of Endorsed Certificates’ eService.

Job Hunting

University graduates looking for a job suiting their qualifications can also register via the ‘Job Seekers Services’ offered by the Ministry of Labor and Social development on the National Portal, and receive unemployment benefits, or via the ‘Apply/Update Employment Application’ service offered by the Civil Service Bureau, to apply for public sector jobs.

Graduates can call 80008001 to inquire on how to avail of any of the other eServices as per their needs.


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