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Omicron might have picked up some of common-cold virus

Researchers have said that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus has likely acquired at least one of its mutations by picking up a snippet of genetic material from another virus – possibly one that causes the common cold – present in the same infected cells.

This genetic sequence does not appear in any earlier versions of the coronavirus, but is ubiquitous in many other viruses including those that cause the common cold, and also in the human genome. By inserting this particular snippet into itself, Omicron might be making itself look “more human,” which would help it evade attack by the human immune system.

This could mean the virus transmits more easily, while only causing mild or asymptomatic disease. Scientists do not yet know whether Omicron is more infectious than other variants, whether it causes more severe disease or whether it will overtake Delta as the most prevalent variant. It may take several weeks to get answers to these questions.


Alarabiya News

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