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Oman: Visitors must stay at least seven days

Oman’s Civil Aviation Authority has announced that there is no longer the option for passengers travelling to Oman to stay in the country for a period of less than eight days.

A statement issued online by CAA said: “Reference is made to the circular issued on 27 December 2020 and based on coordination with the health authorities. The Civil Aviation Authority would like to confirm for all airlines operating in the Sultanate that, as per the mentioned circular, there is no longer an option for passengers travelling to Oman to stay in the Sultanate for a period of less than 8 days. The airlines must ensure that no travel reservations are made to depart Oman before the mandatory quarantine period ends (7 days with negative result PCR test on the 8th day).”

When the airports reopened after closure of borders for a week on December 27, rules to enter the country were also modified. The entry through international borders required the visitors to undergo a compulsory PCR test before arriving into the Sultanate.

With the new rule, the stay for those who come to Oman has to be necessarily for seven days, with a PCR test taken on the eighth day for release from quarantine, provided the result is negative.

The pre-arrival COVID–19 test, bearing a negative certificate, before entering Oman done within 72 hours prior to date of boarding the flight, as well as on arrival PCR test remain to be mandated for those flying into Oman.

The tracking bracelet provided at the airport is to be worn throughout the week-long quarantine. The bracelet would be removed only after the compulsory PCR test results done on the eighth day comes negative. For those who do not want a PCR to be done on the eighth day, the quarantine period extends to 14 days, after which the bracelet could be removed by visiting a nearby health centre or a private clinic.


Gulf News

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