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Oman: Unlicensed Sale of Precious Stones, Metals on Social Media Prohibited

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP), warns that selling precious metals and stones through social media without a license is a violation of the Precious Metals Control Law. The MoCIIP said that it had noticed people selling precious metals and precious stones through various social networking platforms without obtaining a prior license from them.

The Ministry stated that this is a violation of the Precious Metals Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. (109/2000) and its executive regulations issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (123/2003). In addition, it was noted that the Ministry will take legal measures against anyone who violates this.

The Ministry of Commerce called on consumers to purchase precious metals and gemstones from licensed stores on social media and to ensure the presence of the government stamp, in addition to obtaining an official invoice upon purchase.

Penalties according to the Royal Decree No. (109/2000):

Article (14)

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (193) of the Omani Penal Code, whoever stamps or numbers precious metals or items with forged stamping or numbering marks shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine not exceeding OMR 500, or by either of these two penalties for a trader or manufacturer who sold these minerals or items, offered them for sale, possessed them with the intention of selling, or dealt with them knowing that they were forged. Confession is ruled in all cases.

Article (15)

Whoever makes precious metals or items after being stamped or numbered a change or modification that makes them not conforming to the calibre shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of not less than six months and not exceeding two years, and a fine of not less than OMR 1,500 and not exceeding OMR 3,000, or one of these two penalties. Anyone who sells these minerals or items offers them for sale, possesses them with the intent of selling, or deals in them with knowledge of the change or modification that he has caused in them shall be subject to the same penalty.

Article (16)

Every trader or manufacturer offering for sale or dealing in any manner whatsoever in precious metals or items that are not stamped or numbered shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of not less than three months and not exceeding a year and a fine of not less than OMR 1,000 and not exceeding OMR 1,500 or either of these two penalties.

If a conviction is passed and the seized items are of one of the legal calibres, the stamping department must stamp them with their own calibre, and they will be returned to their owner after paying double the prescribed fees.

Article (17)

Whoever prevents any of the employees stipulated in Article (13) of this law from performing his duties in any way, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine not exceeding OMR 500, or by one of these two penalties.

Article (18)

Anyone who violates the provisions of this law or the decisions issued for its implementation, except for what is stipulated in the previous articles, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and a fine of not less than OMR 200 and not more than OMR 1,000, or one of these two penalties.


Times of Oman
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