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Oman: Tourists exempt from quarantine and pre-flight PCR tests

Oman has exempted tourists from the mandatory requirement of conducting the pre-flight COVID-19 test and pre-arrival quarantine.

The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism issued its latest travel update and guidelines for tourists on Thursday. “Tourists are not required to conduct a PCR test before arriving in Oman. They have to undergo the PCR test on arrival only,” the ministry said in a statement.

The move follows the Sultanate’s decision allowing citizens from 103 countries to enter Oman for a 10-day stay without a pre- entry visa, complying to the mandatory conditions in this regard.

The ministry said tourists are also exempt from pre-arrival quarantine. The new travel rule is based on the instructions received from the Ministry of Health.

“It has become possible to exempt tourists from quarantine and PCR tests before coming to the Sultanate, provided they adhere to the usually followed measures in this regard, including a compulsory international health insurance that covers the costs of COVID-19 treatment of during their stay,” the ministry added.


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