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Oman to start issuing visas for all categories from September 1

The Royal Oman Police (ROP) will start issuing all types of visas for all categories from September 1, while visas issued to expats since January 2021 will be extended until the end of the year without additional fees.

Issuance of visas will return with the same procedures as the pre-pandemic situation for all categories. However, the current precautionary measures for entering the sultanate will be applied, Maj. Gen. Abdullah bin Ali al Harthi, Assistant Inspector General of Police and Customs for Operations, ROP, said.

He added that no extra fees will be imposed for the extension.

With regards to expats with valid residencies but have been outside Oman for over six months – a request may be made by the employer or sponsor at ROP offices and the issue will be addressed, he added.

Oman will open its land borders from September 1, while adhering to the controls imposed by the Supreme Committee, including testing before arrival in the sultanate, Dr. Saif bin Salem al Abri, director general of disease control at the Ministry of Health, said.

Dr. Abri said that residents currently outside Oman who have taken one dose of a vaccine not available in Oman, should not expect to get the second dose in the sultanate.


Muscat Daily

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