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Oman to reduce expat workers in banks and finance companies

Sheikh Nasr bin Amer al-Hosani, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Labour for Labour, held a meeting with managers of human resources at financing, currency exchange and banks operating in the Sultanate to discuss a move to terminate sub-hire contracts of expatriate workers to provide jobs for Omani job seekers.

Al Hosni also stressed the need to train and empower nationals to impart the necessary skills required for the job, as they start the replacement process.

Such training would help citizens take advantage of all available job opportunities. He also urged the private sector companies to speed up the replacement process.

It was revealed during the meeting that the Labour Ministry will be issuing directions on amending the policies and procedures in this regard.

Al Hosni said that the Ministry will work during the next phase in coordination and cooperation with all government agencies, supervising various sectors including the economic sector to start the procedures for replacing the expatriate workforce with Omani citizens.


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