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Oman to Introduce Part-Time Work Options for Citizens and Expats

Locals and expats living in Oman could soon be able to do part-time work, according to the annual report of the Implementation, Support and Follow-up Unit (ISFU), the government organisation tasked with overseeing the expansion of the Omani economy under the Tanfeedh plan for diversification.

Dr Ahmed Al Hooti, the head of economic research at the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), said the decision to allow for short-term work would benefit many in the country who were currently looking for employment opportunities, as well as fresh graduates, and those who felt they could supplement their existing income.

“Temporary jobs will be more useful to the youth, especially those who are fresh graduates. They can work this way and get some more experience and training.”

“Expat workers, sometimes, find themselves without jobs, and therefore, they cannot stay in the country, but they might not want to leave their company,” added Al Hooti. “What they can do is do some temporary work: the agreement has to be between three parties – the worker, the existing company and the new company.

“This is very useful, because if I have a business, but have no work for the expat, why should I pay him a salary when he is doing nothing? It is better to have another contract which allows him to work for some time, and once he has finished this contract, he can come back.”

“If you are currently employed and are also doing a part-time job, and if both parties know this, and you have an agreement with you that says so, you can definitely work like this,” he said.

An online system has been set up for this purpose, and studies on the policies that will govern part-time work are currently underway.


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