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Oman: Three Seriously Injured in School Bus Accident

Three severe injuries and 13 people with mild injuries resulted from an accident that occurred between a vehicle and a school bus on Tuesday morning, April 4, 2023, said the Royal Oman Police (ROP).

The Royal Oman Police said in a statement: “An accident occurred between a vehicle and a minibus carrying a number of students on the road leading to the Wilayat of Dima and Al-Tayyin in the Ghubra Tam area, resulting in the injury of all those in the two vehicles, including three serious injuries and 13 people with light injuries.

An official of the Royal Oman Police spoke exclusively to Times of Oman about the details of the accident, saying: “The accident occurred at around 7:10 am between a saloon vehicle with one passenger (the driver) and a school bus carrying 14 students with the driver, a total of 15 members.”

He added: “As a result of the accident, all passengers were lightly injured, and they returned to their homes, except for 3 of them, whose injuries required hospitalisation in Ibra Hospital, to be assured of their health condition.”

The official called on vehicle drivers in general and buses in particular to pay attention when driving, adhere to traffic laws, not overtake or drive recklessly, and not endanger the lives of others.


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