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Money & BusinessOmanLifestyle

Oman shops urged to label VAT exempt items

Shop owners in Oman have been told by the Consumer Protection Authority (CPA) to clearly label or mark those items that are in the zero percent value added tax list so as to not confuse customers or try to trick them into paying more for such goods.

Food grains such as wheat, rice, barley and corn, as well as flours made from them; milk products in their various forms, i.e. plain milk, milk powder, cheese and yoghurt; various varieties of breads; water; salt and sugar; fruits and vegetables; meat, fish, and poultry; and coffee and tea are exempt from VAT.

Other items including some medicines and baby products, financial services, healthcare and education and all related services, sale of undeveloped lands, resale and rent/ lease services provided towards residential properties and local passenger transport services are also among those exempt from VAT.

Similarly, all items used by diplomatic missions, international organisations, the armed forces and emergency services do not have VAT levied on them.


Times of Oman

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