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Oman set to reopen mosques on November 15

Oman’s Supreme Committee today announced that mosques in the Sultanate will be open to the public for prayers from November 15. Mosques have been closed since March this year when COVID-19 spread across the world.

As per today’s announcement, mosques with a minimum capacity of 400 can now welcome worshippers with strict rules. Social distancing, wearing of masks and washing hands with soaps have become normal activities for general public that are adhered to in public places such as public transport, malls, hypermarkets and such.

Friday prayers are still not allowed to take place in mosques. For each of the five daily prayers, mosques will be opened for 25 minutes only.

The announcement drew happy reaction from a large section of the population, as they took to social media channels to express their feelings. Many social media users have reiterated the need to exercise caution and adhere to strict rules of social distancing, and wearing of masks.


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