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Oman Schools Forced to Close by Heavy Rain

Oman’s Ministry of Education on Tuesday announced the suspension of studies in the northern governorates as heavy rain was forecast over the sultanate.

Rain continued to lash many northern areas, including parts of Al Dhahirah, Al Dakhiliyah, South Al Batinah and North Al Batinah.

There were thunderstorms and high winds on Monday evening in Dhofar and Musandam, where classes were suspended at all public and private schools.

Heavy rains fell in Al Khaboura in the governorate of North Al Batinah. Photo: OmanNewsAgency/Twitter
Heavy rains fell in Al Khaboura in the governorate of North Al Batinah. 

“The ministry decided to suspend studies on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, in all public and private schools, morning and evening, in the governorates of Musandam, North Al Batinah, Al Buraimi and Al Dhahirah. Work in schools will resume on Wednesday, March 29, 2023,” the ministry said.

School lessons and evening classes were also suspended in the governorates of Al Amerat and Qurayyat on Tuesday, with classes to be resumed on Wednesday.

Oman’s Met Office said there would also be rain in other governorates.

With heavy thundershowers comes the risk of wadis overflowing in many governorates.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources called on farmers, livestock breeders, beekeepers and fishermen to take precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of their property, and urged everyone to move away from dams and wadis.

Oman’s Civil Aviation Authority has warned people to avoid low-lying areas and not to cross wadis.

The Gulf nation has experienced heavy rain and flash floods before.

Last July, during the Eid Al Adha holidays, more than 19 drowned and 40 were rescued during heavy rain storms that lasted a week.


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