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Oman: Rise in COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths

Oman recorded a new high on Thursday for hospitalised patients with more than 160 cases of COVID-19, and recorded 19 deaths, the highest number since April, as per the data from the Ministry of Health. This points to a significant increase in new cases of coronavirus infections and ICU patients in the region.

The total number of infections in the month of June reached 13,000, with an average of 1,300 infections per day.

Nineteen deaths were recorded today, which is the highest number of deaths recorded. Nineteen deaths were earlier recorded daily on the following dates, 16, 17, 18, and 20 of April 2021. The total deaths since the beginning of this month until today have reached 122, with an average of 12.2 deaths per day, exceeding the highest rate since the beginning of the pandemic, where a rate of 11.5 was recorded in April 2020.


Times of Oman

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