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Oman: Public transport schedule changed due to curfew

The working hours of bus and ferry services will be rescheduled, starting from Sunday, October 11, until Saturday, October 24, 2020, Mwasalat announced on Friday.

A statement issued online by Mwasalat said, “Based on the instructions of the Supreme Committee tasked to deal with COVID-19, Mwasalat wishes to inform all buses and ferries users that it will reduce the service hours from Sunday, 11 October to Saturday, 24 October 2020, as follows:

Bus Service timings:

Buses will operate within the Muscat Governorate until 6 pm.

The trip timings of the intercity bus service operating through the “Senyar” company will be rescheduled, as all the trips will have to reach their destinations by 6 pm. All the details will be published through the company’s official accounts and on various social media. Dear valued customers can also get round-the-clock information via the following call centre numbers: (24121500/24121555)

Ferry service timings:  

The timings of all the ferries operating through the “Senyar” company will be rescheduled so that they reach their destinations by 6 pm, and all the details will be published through the company’s official accounts on social media. Our valued customers can also communicate round-the-clock via the call centre number 80072000


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