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Oman prepares to resume domestic and international flights

 A plan to restart domestic and international flights has been prepared by the Ministry of Transport and submitted to the Supreme Committee in charge of COVID-19, the Ministry of Transport announced at a press conference held on Monday.

“The aviation sector is one of the most affected sectors, as there is an almost complete disruption of commercial operations since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Ahmad Al Futaisi, Minister of Transport.

”The Public Authority of Civil Aviation (PACA), prepared a recovery plan that was submitted to the Supreme Committee with specific dates to open domestic and then international flights, but the decision to restart air traffic lies with the Supreme Committee based on available data.”

The number of passengers traveling through the Sultanate’s airports increased nearly three times during 2019 compared to 2010, the Ministry of Transport stated at the press conference.

According to a statement, the aviation sector witnessed an annual growth of 12%, and flights were received from 21 new destinations in 2019 compared to 2018.


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