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Oman: Nurseries, cinemas to remain closed

At today’s press conference held by the Supreme Committee, Minister of Health Dr. Ahmed Al Saeedi said that the sharp increase in COVID-19 cases was due to non-compliance of safety measures.

Dr. Saeedi also brought home the question about the activities that have yet to open and said that there will be a review based on current health indicators.

There is no scientific evidence that the infected person does not transmit the virus to others, the Minister said in his opening remarks. People of the 18 to 60 years age who have medical, legal and other qualifications and free of any chronic disease can volunteer, informed the undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Development.

Nurseries and cinemas are still closed, and reopening them will be reviewed and studied, and the closure of nurseries and kindergartens is still in place in order to ensure the safety of the children. It was also mentioned during the press conference that mosques will be opened after the concerned supervisors and agents submitted an online request saying they are ready to reopen while pledging adequate safety measures will be in place.


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