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Oman: New restrictions announced to help curb COVID-19 spread

Oman’s Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has put into action a set of measures to bring COVID-19 infection numbers down in the Dhofar Governorate.

DGHS’s Epidemiological Preparedness Committee has decided to close three health centres in Salalah, namely Al-Dahariz Health Centre, New Salalah Health Centre and Hajif Health Centre to support the staff working at Sultan Qaboos Hospital in Salalah in the wake of the growing COVID-19 cases in the hospital.

It has also been decided to temporarily suspend all unnecessary surgeries, stop granting leave permissions for health workers, prevent visits at Sultan Qaboos Hospital, and reduce work in specialized clinics by up to 30 per cent.

Additionally, the administrative and technical staff working in the Medical Fitness Examination Center have been redirected to work in the hospital since the centre has been closed as well temporarily. These changes along with the re-introduction of the hospital’s shift schedule is expected to ease the mounting pressure on medical service staff.


Times of Oman

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