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Oman: More than 600 medics test positive for COVID-19

More than 600 medical workers in Oman have tested positive for COVID-19, a senior official at the Ministry of Health has said.

Dr. Mohammad bin Saif Al Hosni, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Health Affairs, said to Shabiba FM, “The number could increase if the rate of infection in Oman continues to grow, and will have an impact on the medical services provided in the Sultanate.”

“The total number of infections among medical staff has exceeded 600, and most of them have been infected because of community transmission,” he explained. “These numbers are expected to grow as the infection increases in society and this will mostly impact medical services in the country,” he added.

As of 20 July, Oman has reported 68,400 cases, according to the Ministry of Health’s Tarassud COVID-19 monitoring app. A total of 45,510 people have recovered, while 22,924 are still sick. 326 people have lost their lives because of the disease, and nearly 275,000 have been so far tested.


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