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Oman Ministry Launches New Fishing Vessel ‘Acila’

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology (MTCIT), has registered the new Omani vessel (Acila) which will boost the quality of fishing operations.

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, represented by the Directorate General of Maritime Affairs, has registered the Omani fishing vessel under the name “Acila” belonging to the Oman Pelagic Fish Company, a subsidiary of the Oman Fisheries Development Company.

The vessel was registered after completing its registration procedures by the Ship Registration Department at Port Sultan Qaboos, according to the regulations governing this matter

 The vessel was designed according to the highest international standards, which reflects Oman Fisheries Development Company’s commitment to sustainable fishing practices and economic growth in the fisheries sector in the Sultanate of Oman.


Times of Oman
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