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Oman: Mass food poisoning due to contaminated seashells

Dhofar Governorate recorded several food poisoning incidences due to eating some seashells that were affected by the red tide phenomenon

The Ministry of Health (MOH) said, “A number of health institutions in Dhofar Governorate have registered several food poisoning incidences as a result of consuming seashells that contained poisonous substances as the beaches were affected due to the red tide phenomenon.”

“In such cases, the infected person may suffer from various symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, symptoms related to the nervous system like numbness, weakened movement and shortness of breath,” the ministry added.

Therefore, MOH urges fishermen and consumers to avoid eating fishes and seashells coming from the areas affected by the red tide. It has also called upon all to stay away from the areas that suspected to be affected by the red tide phenomenon to avoid poisoning.


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